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Everything You Need to Know About ENS Clubs | Top 5 ENS Clubs

Ens names are the most popular web3 domains. Ens community is strong and one of the most active communities on Twitter. You can find thousands of people using .eth in their Twitter accounts. Until now, more than 2.5 Million ens names have been minted, and some are categorized into different clubs. 

What are Ens Clubs?

Ens Clubs refers to categorizing ens names based on a different property. The concept of making clubs was first implemented by ens vision, a popular ens marketplace. It was introduced to make it easy to find similar names and check the floor price and other stats quickly. The best example of an ens club is the 999 club, which consists of all the three digits numbers.

Now let’s have a look at some of the top-end clubs; you can check all the clubs on ens by going to ens.vision 

Top 5 Ens Clubs

  • 10K Club – 10k club is the most popular among ens domain traders. It’s the collection of ens name from 0000 to 9999. The total volume of ens 10k club is 38366.5 Ether, and the top sale of single four-digit ens is 41 ether. Currently, 4087 wallets are holding the four-digit ens names. The top two holders have 2.8% of the total 10k club names, 280 four-digit ens names. In the last six months, the floor price of the 10k club has risen from 0.5 to 3.09 eth in September, and now it’s 1.28 eth. 
10k ens club
  • 999Club – 999Club is another famous ens club. It’s the collection of 3-digit numbers from 000 to 999. The top sale from 999Club is 000.eth. It was sold for 300 eths. The 999Club has a total volume of 12690 eths. Right now, its floor price is 17.69 eth. In the last six months, the floor price of 999club has risen from 8 eths to 17.69 eths now. In September, its floor price was 39 eth, which is the highest floor price of 999club.
ENS 999 Club
Ens 999 Club
  • 100k Club – 100k Club is another digit collection on ens, and it’s a collection of 5 digits. Until now, the total volume of 5 digits ens is 5657 ether. Right now, the floor price of 5-digit ens is 0.034 eth. 5 digits ens are less risky and best for new investors. As the renewal price is just $5 per year, many people love to hold five-digit ens. 
100k Club
  • 3 Letters – The three-letter club is another famous ens club. According to the trading volume, it’s the 4th most famous club. Until now, the total traded volume is 4438 ether. There are currently 8517 unique wallets holding the 3L ens names. The floor price is just 0.024 eth due to the high renewal charges and colossal supply. It seems one of the riskiest ens clubs.
3 letter club ens
  • Arabic 999 Club – Arabic 999 club, is another famous ens club, a collection of Arabic three-digit numbers. Many Arabic crypto degens are already into ens, and that’s why Arabic 999 has become one of the most popular clubs. Until now, it has a total volume of 2684 ether; after the success of the Arabic 999 club, many new 999 clubs were formed. But most of them failed to perform well, and the Arabic 999 club is the only non-english 999 club whose Floor price hasn’t dropped badly. Right now, its floor price is 1.136 eth. 
arabic 999 club
Arabic 999 club

These were the top 5 ens clubs. Besides these clubs, there are many other famous ens clubs too. Recently some emoji clubs and pre-punk clubs are also performing well.

Can I Create my Own Ens Club?

Yes, it’s possible to make your own club. But to list your club on a marketplace like EnsVision, you’ll need to fulfil some requirements.  If you are trying to create a pump and dump club, it’s almost impossible to get listed. A few months back, many people were creating pump-and-dump clubs, so envision team have made changes, and you’ll need to fulfil some requirement to list your club.

Which is The Best Ens Club?

It’s hard to choose the best club, but according to the trading volume, we can conclude that the 10k club is the best club on ens. It has a supply of just 10k, and the yearly charges aren’t as high as three-digit numbers. They are also easy to sell than ens names of other clubs.

How to Check The Floor Price of Ens Clubs?

To check the floor price and other details of ens clubs, you’ll need to visit the EnsVision site. After that, click on the club that you want to know details about. After that, you’ll see every detail like floor price, daily volume, top sales etc.

How Many Ens Clubs Are There?

Right now, there are 49 different clubs on ens vision. Among them, the 10k club has the highest volume, and the harry potter club has the lowest total volume.

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